
Dyslexia is a common difficulty with reading. The British Dyslexia Association has many useful links. One of their links is to the Dyslexia checklist, designed by Ian Smythe and John Everatt (2001).

Run the demo

The survey code for PsyToolkit

Copy and paste this code to your PsyToolkit account if you want to use the scale in your own online research project
scale: frequency
- Rarely
- Occasionally
- Often
- Most of the time

scale: ease
- Easy
- Challenging
- Difficult
- Very Difficult

l: screen1
t: scale frequency
q: For each question, select how often the following applies to you.
- {score=3/6/9/12} Do you confuse visually similar words such as cat and cot?
- {score=2/4/6/8} Do you lose your place or miss out lines when reading?
- {score=1/2/3/4} Do you confuse the names of objects, for example table for chair?
- {score=1/2/3/4} Do you have trouble telling left from right?
- {score=1/2/3/4} Is map reading or finding your way to a strange place confusing?
  {score=1/2/3/4} Do you re-read paragraphs to understand them?
- {score=1/2/3/4} Do you get confused when given several instructions at once?
- {score=1/2/3/4} Do you make mistakes when taking down telephone messages?
- {score=1/2/3/4} Do you find it difficult to find the right word to say?
- {score=1/2/3/4} How often do you think of creative solutions to problems?

l: screen2
t: scale ease
q: For each question, select how easy or difficult you find the following.
- {score=3/6/9/12} How easy do you find it to sound out words such as e-le-phant?
- {score=2/4/6/8} When writing, do you find it difficult to organise thoughts on paper?
- {score=2/4/6/8} Did you learn your multiplication tables easily?
- {score=1/2/3/4} How easy do you find it to recite the alphabet?
- {score=1/2/3/4} How hard do you find it to read aloud?

l: dyslexiascore
t: set
- sum $screen1 $screen2

l: feedback
t: info
q: Your dyslexia score is {$dyslexiascore}.<br>
<li>Score less than 45: probably non-dyslexic
<li>Score 45 to 60: showing signs consistent with mild dyslexia
<li>Score greater than 60: signs consistent with moderate or severe dyslexia
In case you are concerned about dyslexia, please find out more on the website of the <a href="">British Dyslexia Association</a>
