Sometimes researchers want to exclude participants. For example, based on age, gender, or based on certain other questions. There are different ways you can do that.
You can ask people which issues they have and then end the survey directly. There is a special way to have a special way to end the survey without the need for people to get through the regular end screen that is only there for people who really did the survey.
In the question type info you can have the option o: end
The basic idea on how to do it
You show a check question and ask which conditions apply. Only if people check none of the above you let them through, otherwise you get the end information ending the survey. Just run the demo below, and you will understand it.
Run the demo
Complete survey code
Below, the count counts the items people have selected in the check box. You not only need to check that people have checked the "none of the above" answer, but also that that is the only check box they have checked. |
Note that the skip next part of the j: (jump) question helps you just to skip the one question that can end the questionnaire. |
l: consent
t: check
q: Please check what applies to you
- I suffer from bla-bla-bla
- I have a broken hand
- None of the above
l: count_issues
t: set
- count $consent
j: if $consent.3 = 1 and $count_issues = 1 then skip next
l: excluded
t: info
o: end
q: Thank you. The survey now ends. You can close the browser window or tab.
l: real_question
t: radio
q: Do you like Treetown?
- Yes
- No
Other use of end for alternative ending
You can also use the end option to get rid of the standard message. This way you can completely design your own last question and have links if you need to (see example below).
l: last_question
t: info
o: end
q: Thank you. The survey now ends. My standard message here.
<a href=''>My link here</a>