PsyToolkit surveys offer you a great intro screen.
But sometimes people want something different.
For example, in order to satisfy institutional research boards (IRBs) or ethics boards, people want to have multiple items which the participant needs to suffer through before the real data collection can start.

If you need that, it can be done, and this lesson explains how to do it.
The longer your ethical consent procedure, the less likely people actually read it. Try to keep it short. The problem is, of course, that the IRB might have a different idea, so you might not have much choice. |
Consent forms should match the sensitivity of your research project. For some research, an extensive check list might make sense, but if all you want to do is a simple anonymous cognitive experiment, you probably want to keep it all as short as possible. |
The basic idea on how to do it
First decide whether or not to use the standard welcome screen
Option 1: You might use the existing PsyToolkit survey screen, but simply have as the first question have a checklist of items the participant needs to tick in order to particite.
Option 2: You can skip the standard PsyToolkit survey screne altogether (there is a tickbox for this, look for it, it is called "Skip introduction/welcome screen".
Second, set up the new screen
For this, you will create a check type question.
Third, only continue if people ticked all boxes
This is simple to do with a jump style question
Run the demo
Complete survey code
l: my_consent
t: check
o: require 5
q: <b>Please read the following carefully.</b><br>
This is a survey by the University of Treetown
For this research, you agree with the following (all need to be confirmed to continue)
- I have read all the instructions above
- I understand that my data are stored and analysed at the University of Treetown
- I understand that the data may be used for a research publications
- I understand that all the data will be anonymously stored
- I understand that I can stop at any time without giving a reason
l: real_question
t: radio
q: Do you like Treetown?
- Yes
- No