General notes

This is an update with several new features and bug fixes

General online interface

  • If you have an audio in your question, it is more nicely placed

  • Textline questions look better on mobile phones

  • Surveys now have the client time in addition to server time. The server time is the time on one of the PsyToolkit servers. This is nice, because this is the "absolute" time. The client time is the time on a person’s computer. This makes it easier to see if participants living in different time zones did a questionnaire in the morning, afternoon, evening, etc.

  • You have now the option to ask participants for a password in the welcome screen. You can set this in the survey editor. If you want to use this, make sure to use the "advanced settings" option in settings.

  • You have now the option to give participants a little puzzle that robot software cannot solve. This is also known as a "Captcha".

  • You now have the option to only show "info" questions for a specific time after which the survey continues. This was a requested feature now implemented. You can use this, for example, if you want to give people exactly 10 seconds to read an instruction and then go on. Below is an example of how to do this.

l: my_question
t: info
o: mintime 10s auto hide
q: You only have 10 seconds to read this!

Or with a counter

l: my_question
t: info
o: mintime 10s auto
q: You only have 10 seconds to read this!

Or with a counter that counts up instead of down

l: my_question
t: info
o: mintime 10s auto up
q: You only have 10 seconds to read this!

New in experiments

There are behind the scenes code improvements.

New in online surveys

A bug in changing or deleting survey criteria is now fixed. It should now work fine.