PsyToolkit is developed by and belongs to Professor Gijsbert
Stoet. Anyone can use PsyToolkit for non-commercial research and
non-commercial educational projects, as long as Professor Gijsbert
Stoet and PsyToolkit are acknowledged in any resulting publication.
The copyright of all PsyToolkit material (see
exceptions in next point) belongs to Professor
Gijsbert Stoet. The PsyToolkit code and lessons can be used freely for
non-commercial educational and research purposes, as long as Professor
Gijsbert Stoet is acknowledged. For commercial use, for example in
text books, you need to ask formally for permission. When in doubt,
you should contact Professor Gijsbert Stoet as well.
The survey library contain surveys developed by
others. Each survey entry has a description about copyright, which
applies. The experiment library contains experiments which have been
developed by others, and the copyright belongs to them — details
about copyright, if it applies, can be found in the references.
There are various PsyToolkit implementations of
questionnaire scales on this website. For each scale, the PsyToolkit
developer has done his best to find out if researchers and students
can use the test. You can find such information for each questionnaire
under the legal notes. If you are aware of a mistake, please report
it. The copyright of those scales typically belongs to the authors who
created them (but for each scale, you need to check the legal
notes). You always need to acknowledge those who have designed the
questionnaires by citing their work.
Any copyright violations or misuse of PsyToolkit will be
reported to the relevant authorities. Anyone who uploads illegal
material on the website will be reported to the relevant authorities.
Reprint/use of images from this webpage for publication in
journals or books is not allowed, unless arranged against a fee with
Professor Gijsbert Stoet.