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About this study




Social Support Messages and Exercise Performance


Principal Investigator

Derek LeBaron, Student Researcher

Bachelor of Arts, Psychology

Vancouver Island University

Student Supervisor

Marla Morden, PhD.

Department of Psychology

Vancouver Island University


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 I am an Honours student in the Bachelor of Arts Psychology program at Vancouver Island University (VIU). We have a designed a research project, entitled “Social Support Messages and Exercise Performance,which aims to investigate how different types of social support and relationships impact exercise performance. My hope is that the current research may contribute to the literature on social support and exercise.



Your participation in the study will require approximately 35-45 minutes of your time. You will complete brief air biking sessions, aiming for maximum wattage. You will also be asked to complete a series of questionnaires that ask about your mental and physical health, exercise habits and frequency, and your feelings around social support. Additionally, you will be asked open-ended questions about your exercise habits and exercise frequency as you warm up for the air bike sessions.


Since we are exploring how different types of relationship and social support impact exercise performance, we kindly ask that you consider designating a friend or loved one to accompany you during the scheduled participation in the F2F portion of this study. Should you choose to involve a companion (a friend, or sibling, cousin, romantic partner, etc), you will receive an email at a subsequent date containing a consent form for your friend/loved one/companion. Please ask that they read and sign the consent form in advance of arriving for the F2F portion of the study, and send it to the researcher at if possible. We will have extra forms on hand for signing the day of, but it is important that they have a chance to read the form so they know what will be expected of them; they are welcome to email any questions they have to Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.


Benefits for participants

There are no direct benefits for participating in this research. Participants who choose to do so may opt-in to win one of 3 $50.00 amazon gift cards (digital). To enter into the draw, you will be asked to provide your email address. Email addresses are stored separately from participant data.


Risk of harm to participants

Risk for this study includes engaging in brief spans of physical activity. This risk will be mitigated by  meeting the physical requirements for this study, which will be addressed after signing this consent form using the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR Q+), which is the standard in Canada for assessing risks of participating in physical activities. If you answer yes to any questions (signifying any potential health concerns), you will be automatically redirected out of the study. You may want to follow up on any concerns with a doctor.


You will also be asked to answer questions about your exercise habits, and physical and mental health. There is a low possibility that these questions may cause anxiety. If this should occur, please reach out to your nearest crisis line or mental health support resource:


Management of Research Information/Data

Participant information will be coded and treated as confidential. Online consent form, preferred contact email addresses and all information recorded will be stored on servers affiliated with psytoolkit and downloaded to the principal investigator’s personal computer at the completion of data collection (anticipated March 2024). Identifiable information (consent and email addresses) will be kept separate from study data.


 Psytoolkit will be used to collect participant emails, consent forms, and questionnaire data. The data will be stored on survey psytoolkit US data servers. Data provided will be subject to PsyToolkits data management and privacy policies; for more detailed information please see (under the data storage section). After data collection is complete, all data will be deleted from psytoolkit and downloaded and to the principal investigators password protected computer (saved locally, not to the cloud).


All data will by destroyed by May 1st, 2029.


Use of Research Information

The results of this study will be presented in a final thesis for completion of the Honours program at VIU. The final report will be shared in presentations, published on websites ( and may be presented at academic conferences, including VIU’s CREATE (2024). If you would like to see the results of the study, please visit the website listed above after June 2024.


Participation and withdrawal

This a is a reminder that your participation is completely voluntary. You are under no obligation to participate. There is no penalty for withdrawing (you would still be invited to enter the draw for a chance to win one of three $50.00 amazon gift cards). You may withdraw your participation from the study up until we begin data analysis (anticipated March 2024). Data will be scrubbed of any potentially identifiable information and anonymized after this point, thus we would not be able to be redact data after this point.



If you have any concerns about your treatment as a research participant in this study, please contact the VIU Research Ethics Board by telephone at 250-740-6631 or by email at



For more mental health resources, visit these webpages:





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If you have any concerns about your treatment as a research participant in this study, please contact the VIU Research Ethics Board by telephone at 250-740-6631 or by email at


For more mental health resources, visit these webpages:





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Contact information

Information about this study:

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Important data protection information

When you start, this survey will store your answers and browser information on the PsyToolkit server.The responsibility for this survey rests entirely with the researcher(s) listed above. Click here if you do not want to participate now.