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Register a PsyToolkit account
(on the PsyToolkit server in America)

There are two servers, choose one closest to you or to your participants.

If you are based in Europe, the Middle East, West Asia, or Africa, it is best to register with the European server (you are currently trying to register for the American one).

First name:
Last name (surname):

Enter the name of your university or school (or type NA if you are not at a university or school):

TIP 1:If you use one or more UPPERCASE letters in your email, you need to use these for your login as well (i.e., emails are case-sensitive).
TIP 2:If you misspell your email, you will obviously not get an email with your login details, so please check now if it is correctly spelled.

Important information about PsyToolkit and registering an account:

PsyToolkit version: 3.4.0