Register a PsyToolkit account
(on the PsyToolkit server in America)
There are two servers, choose one closest to you or to your participants.
If you are based in Europe, the Middle East, West Asia, or Africa, it is best to register with the
European server (you are currently trying to register for the American one).
Important information about PsyToolkit and registering an account:
- Once registered, you will soon receive your password via email.
- Your personal information will not be shared with third parties.
- PsyToolkit is non-commercial and does not use advertisements.
- If worried about personal information, use an email account that does not identify your name
- You will be able to delete your account at any time.
- Login to account, go to settings, and select delete account
- Registering and use is free of cost, but terms and conditions apply.
- All form fields above must be filled in truthfully.
- Although PsyToolkit is carefully maintained, it comes without any service guarantees.
- PsyToolkit is developed by psychology professor Gijsbert Stoet (based in the UK).